Danica Eyler  Thank you so much! How exciting for you, revamping the website and a new logo, can't wait to see it. I was looking at the blog tonight and Jackson loved the "ladybug" pics, he wanted to see too!  3.19.09, 10:22pm

Christie Stanley  I know 2 other young gentlemen that would absolutely delight in this project. They love picking up our roadside and fence row. Let me know if I can be of any help.  3.18.09, 8:23pm

angie  ok....so i'm crying now. i have been overwhelmed with feelings for my kids forever...but I was so proud of them for their pick-up indiana!! We don't take enough time to just appreciate our kids! They are all great ones:) must be good genes:)  3.18.09, 4:52pm

AmandaH  Good Luck with organizing something, it's a great idea. Good Job Satchel! Getting kids involved, makes them feel important and allows them to realize they CAN make a difference. I'd probably start with one area and put up fliers? Maybe a motivational poster asking whom would be interested in organizing something in their own neighborhood? Just ideas, good luck!  3.18.09, 1:21pm