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baby is one


happy birthday to our sweet little bird today!!! this last year has been more than a whirlwind ...... between olive's first year and the kids being busy with sports and activities, the time how flown. as i do look back, and i very pleased with myself that i made it a priority to spend as much time with her as possible ...... i rocked, held, and adored her as much as i possibly could. i think what i have enjoyed seeing the most is watching our kids with olive. they are so much in love, more than i ever imagined they would be ..... they adore her just as much as we do. to the little ray of sunshine that has brightened our house in ways that she will never know ---- we love you to pieces and will never tire of watching you grow :)

up close & personal


harp was home from school one day, and ended up feeling better. i have really been drawn to his lashes lately, so i pulled out the camera to get some really close shots of his eyes. i love how they turned out! this boy is silly, sweet, tender, funny, hyper and smooth all balled into one little body. i adore him.

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love this :)



miss olive has changed a bit since i last posted !!! she is almost 7 months ... i am still adjusting to the chaos of having another baby around here. it is quite crazy on most days!! i am trying my best to soak up all of this amazing baby stuff, because i do know how quickly it passes. we just can't believe she is already getting so big!!!

new on olive's list of accomplishments is saying "ma" and "da" (of course, she said ma first!!!), giggling, rolling around, and charming everyone in the house. the kids are in awe of her still, it has not faded as of yet. she is certainly the missing puzzle piece that our family needed, and she has settled perfectly into our lives.

as for work, i have had a bit of a much-needed break so far this winter. i started back to work when ms ollie was just 2 months old -- it was a bit of a challenge!!! but i made it through my busy fall in somewhat of a fog between lots of photo shoots, editing, and then nights and days of feeding. looking back over the past 6+ months is somewhat a blur, as i think most new parents would say. i am hopeful that i have taken enough photo and video so that we can remember it ..... i feel like the first few months are so hard, because it is so new, and you are just flat tired. the first few weeks are just horrid in my opinion .... i was so exhausted with her feeding every 2 hours or so, and nursing my third baby was my most trying time nursing out of all of them. but for now, we have all settled in nicely with everything, and she is just the cutest little thing and we all feel so lucky to have her around. the kids often remark about he lucky we are that we have such a great little baby in our family :)

i am going to update my available dates (above) this week. although we have yet to get a big snow, spring is around the corner!!! consider looking at dates if you are interested in a spring or summer session. i am going to cut back on sessions this year .... i have to to keep my sanity with our busy clan. so once the allotted sessions are booked for the month, i will not be adding any additional sessions. i will also send out a newsletter soon reminding everyone to look at available dates. if you don't currently get these newsletters, go to the top of the page and click on LINKS, and then click on JOIN OUR MAILING LIST.

for now, enjoy the cuteness below :)

miss o. at 5 weeks


i typically don't like to shoot newborns after the age of 2 weeks ... it gets really hard. you have to be really patient to get the right shots. well, the other day someone made a comment about how many photos i must have of olive. i replied that no, i really didn't have that many (except the newborns session i had done) --- that i had been taking most of them on my iphone. so i decided i needed to get some more now that she is more alert. i took these by myself, in a very short amount of time. and i am in love with every single one of them :)

she is gorgeous.

and so sweet.

do you know by now that i love the detail shots?

sleeping in the cool breeze outside.

eyelashes getting long!!!

wispy lashes ....

so perfect .... she's getting a little bit of chub!!

talking to mommy :)

and this ..... i do believe that i see a bit of myself in this one photo. her daddy can take credit for all of the rest :)

sibling rivalry ?


i was taking a few photos the other day .............. i just wanted to get a few snapshots ...

and then big sis walks down, and baby olive starts beaming!!! i couldn't believe it :)

stare out with harp ...

and more grins with big brother jonah. these were the biggest grins i had seen by far :)

this was the inside of olive's birth announcement ................... i love it!!

these were taken when olive was 1 week. i love this.

but this will be made huge into a canvas to be hung on our wall!!! this was exactly what i was after. i couldn't believe i got this .... i was mostly worried about the boys. they proved to me that they can be patient and calm for a minute :)

this is more like it, though!!

and just a bit of sweetness to end this post ...

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